The excuse is simply the amount of unwanted bodily fluid that has been flowing in this house over the last week or so. Everyone as had the barfing, snotting, whimpering, never sleeping flu. Its almost gone now. God, even as I typed that I thought 'now I've jinxed it... the kids will wake up tomorrow with raging fevers again..' That's the kind of defeatist, pessimistic mood I'm in after this week. ug.
That said, some highlights...
Scored one for the 48/480 list by going to see a band, the Baghdaddies, last night. Our first night out since Noah was born. Its not like we're totally, depressingly tied to our kids, 24/7, rather just that we don't really mind it. Its just easier being together as a family somehow, that and we're just so bloody tired by 7pm. But my Mum came, we put J to bed and out we went, had fun, talked to each other, ate street food at midnight, and came home to sleeping children. What is it about other people watching your kids, and always seeming to have no problem getting them to sleep, after you've been wining about just how impossible that is...?

The sun has been shining so we're out and about all the time. Lots of flowers and spring lambs to see.
We're in full summer planning mode, looking at trips, visits and festivals, and that always cheers me up. Not that I struggle to live in the moment, you understand ;)
That's it for now....
More later!
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