Wednesday, 31 December 2008

New Year top 10..

Its list time again people...

The 'end of 2008 top 10 list' is here. This isn't a top 10 of the whole year, but rather of things I like, well, now. See how good I'm getting about living in the moment?? ;)

That said, I can't bring myself to post something as 'fluffy' as this is about to be right now without bearing some small witness to those who are loosing children, partners, parents, lives and hope in Palestine. That's all. To put just a small piece of me aside for that this new year.

Here's the rest...

1. Central Heating. Forced Air or radiator. Not fussy. We have neither, and I've been cold for a week. whine, whine, whine.

2. This recipe for Dinner Beans. I am a big fan of any food you can eat with/in a tortilla, and these beans, with rice and/or home baked tortilla chips is unapologeticly simple. Which I also like in food.
2. b. Smoked Paprika. Introduced through the beans recipe. Smells like woodsmoke, and adds an exquisitely subtle depth and bite to food. All food in fact, at the moment.

3. Junk shop plates. I can see how this would sound a little, well, dubious at first, but revamping our dinnerware collection with funky, eclectic junk shop finds has been much fun, and makes the eating of the above even
more enjoyable.
I mean, whats not to love?? Vintage style, reusing and recycling and 25p a piece. (See how I turned the potential for 'old, dirty and cheep' into something creative and bohemian sounding...?)

4. My new brown hair. This has been a
big move for me away from trying to reclaim the real blond of my (ahem) younger days. I'm mildly annoyed with the whole process of dying, and redying, and roots showing and all, but the outcome is worth it. Its been a simply way for me to feel a little more, well, put together as things like haircuts and new clothes have gone by the wayside as we try and save money (or maybe just pay the bills...)

5. Noah's jumping. Totally hilarious and so, so sweet. Knees bent "da" (the word for most things, but with a particular
inflection) huge grin, followed by a sort of abandoned, wiggling, falling motion. The sheer proportions of his body far to unbalanced to actually get off the ground in any way. I could really just eat that kid up.

6. My blog route. There are lots of great web sites that I rely on for a variety information. God, my 'favourites' list is several miles long. But its the blogs that are the bread and butter. Regular
Several evenings each week I can be found taking a little tour of some of the talented and wonderful people who keep me thinking and inspired:
people putting themselves out there.
  • My friend Martyn. Suitably cynical and astute commentary on current media foci. Funny, quirky and informative
  • 'We're-all-in-this-together' type parenting but so much more blogs, Blankie Chronicles,GiggiGoofer, Mo Mommy, Catherine Newman, Lil' bit Squishy. These women keep me going.
  • Emily X. Blog of Planned Parenthood workers in the US. Real reminders of why I am pro-choice, and why the US policy of Abstinence Only sex ed is ludicrous and obtuse.
  • Inspiration in spades via Shutter Sisters. Funky, talented and unpretentious women photographers.
  • Rebecca Walker at 'On Art and Politics' offers a feminist, left wing take on American Politics that I more often than not appreciate.
7. Jamie's wonderful Pre-School, in fact all providers of great early years care and education. Hugely under paid, under recognised, highly skilled and dedicated. Research repeatedly tells us that high quality early years care has significant benefits for all young children, particularly those at risk or from conditions of poverty and under education. I'll spare you the rest of my well rehearsed rant about how the devaluation of those who care for our youngest it is one of societies greatest failings. But really.

8. Vintage mirrors. I have 5 in my house. I have no love affair with mirrors generally , but these have real art deco, 1930's style, simplicity, purity mixed with such a sense of permanence and class. mmmm.

9. The Tincleton Christmas Tree Farm. We slogged through the mud, navigated the chickens ('duck!') and cut our own this year. I can't believe we haven't done this before. Sustainable farming practice, no carbon evils with shipping from overseas ( I realise that this will sound, well as insane as it is to people in Canada), no inflated prices, and such a fun family experience. As I waxed lyrical about how we should always do this when we are in Canada Marti added 'or we could just stop and cut one from the side of the highway'. Always the romantic.

4.1.09 Post Script: I've been sitting on this post for a week now, and I'm still stuck on 9. I'm gonna go ahead and put it up anyway.

What would your number one things right now be? Inspire me...


Unknown said...

Ooh I'm on the list! I'm on the list! That's number one for me right there :)

You and I have more and more in common (namely smoked paprika and art deco), how ace.

My number one thing RIGHT NOW (apart from being on the list) is running. I'll tell you all about it in my blog...

daydreamymama said...

I have 2 favorite things:
1. The joke my 4-year-old made this morning about having "a bowl in his jelly button";
2. Obama in the White House. It's still a wonderful shock to me every morning when I wake up and remember who's at the helm! As someone said (I forget who):
"OK, President Obama: Tag! You're It!"